Steph Todoroff
Steph Todoroff is an art therapy intern and graduate student at Edinboro University, currently residing in Lancaster, PA. She received her undergraduate degree in fine art at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design with a concentration in traditional illustration. She is interested in private practice, community-based settings, and forensic settings focusing on children who've witnessed or experienced crime. When she's not studying or seeing clients, she spends her time making art, reading, playing with her dog Moses, cultivating her indoor jungle and getting together with friends.
This piece is a reflection of me and my favorite theoretical model in psychology - Internal Family Systems. Loosely rooted in Gestalt theory, it argues that we are made up of different parts, each of which play different roles in our psyche; if we learn to accept and befriend these "parts," listen to what they need, we can have greater self-compassion, self-acceptance, and an overall well-balanced self. It's not easy work, but it's worth it. This image portrays the beauty in accepting each part for what it is and allowing them to coexist, the different parts of my own self.